Our Areas of Practice
Dedicated Mesothelioma Attorneys in Minnesota
For nearly 50 years, Sieben Polk Law Firm has dedicated itself solely to the needs of injured clients in the Upper Midwest, including Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin. Focusing on this specific geographic area since 1972 means that we know this legal terrain: the state of the law as it is now, the direction it is going in, and those that will shape it.
Over $840 Million Recovered For Minnesotans In Asbestos Cases
We Are The Only Firm In Minnesota That Handles Asbestos Exposure Cases
Attorneys across the country refer their mesothelioma cases to us because they recognize the value our lawyers bring to asbestos exposure cases.
We are the only firm in Minnesota that handles asbestos injury cases. Many people do not know how they have been exposed to asbestos. Our firm has been gathering evidence on asbestos sites since 1979. This evidence is essential to beginning the litigation process. Other firms refer to us because they know we have the ability to get our clients into court quickly and maximize their potential for recovery.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is critical you file a claim quickly. Get the facts about mesothelioma and talk to one of our attorneys about your options.
Get Seasoned Personal Injury Advice
Our firm’s attorneys can provide this level of superior localized service to clients in Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin because they have decades of combined legal experience. As a result, our legal team offers clients the seasoned legal judgment specific to the Upper Midwest that many other firms simply cannot.
Our firm has the expertise and experience to advise you on all of your legal options and obtain fair compensation. For that reason, injured clients turn to our firm in order to protect their rights to pursue rightful compensation for a wide variety of serious accidents and injuries, including injuries involving brain trauma.
At Sieben Polk Law Firm, we provide clients throughout the Upper Midwest with the best features of a large firm within a local-firm environment. This approach allows us to combine the individually tailored legal services that clients want with the law firm resources that they need to fight for their rights.
Mesothelioma And Personal Injury:
Minnesota Attorneys Dedicated To Protecting Clients’ Rights Throughout The Upper Midwest
We encourage potential clients to schedule a free consultation with our firm today by calling 651-377-4740 You can also contact us online. All communications between our firm and potential clients remain confidential.